Saturday, September 15, 2007

Garden Flags

For a long time now, I have wanted to live where I could fly a garden flag. Now I do. This one commemorates the Annual Hot Air Balloon Festival that will be held in Albuquerque in October. Some 800-900 balloons will be participating. It is an awesome sight to be driving around and see hundreds of balloon floating overhead in the sky. I am eager to see if I can see any from my house. I sued to live in Albuquerque and could often hear the swooshing of the heaters being fired up while sitting in my home. I now live quite a bit north of the balloon park and they usually fly south, so I may not even see any this year. But I am sure I will out and about during the Festival and will some of the balloons. I am certainly glad that I attended the festival the first year I lived out here since I can no longer physically do such.

Bro. Hardy

Thursday, September 13, 2007

New sound!

I was looking for a certain sort of rain drain, not even knowing what I wanted and came across a "rain chain!" It takes the place of a down spout of a regular rain gutter. It makes a soft sound as the rain water gushes through the chain and is a neat addition to my front porch. Here, one can see the chain at the corner of the porch in front of the blue mist plants and birdbath. It's difficult to see the gargoyle in the yard along with the lizard carved on a rock, but they are there. I am so enjoying my new life "in the country" so to speak. I live in a small town outside of a large city and all the amenities are there, but the necessities are here. It's just great. Getting to see the different birds and their eating habits along with a varmint or two on occasion.

Bro. Hardy

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Labor Day

I went to the mountains yesterday to enjoy good company and good food. It was fun and nice a cool, even needing an overshirt from time to time. Good a few good shots of the bird and furry life while I was there. This picture is of a wood pecker - female - that habitats the area there.

It was a crisp 67 degrees here at 5050 miles above sea level and sitting on my porch watching the hummingbirds and others feeding from their feeder is always a good way to start the day.

It's nice to know that I have a short work week. Although I enjoy my work, really love my time off from work. Part of getting older, I suppose.

Br. Hardy