
One of the delights about living away from a big city is the Country-like setting of time and place. I have two hummingbird feeders and a songbird seed feeder that brings the wild birds around all the time. Now that the hummmers have discovered the nectar feeders, they empty two of them in a day! I have learned several of the breeds by sight, but sometimes it is difficult since the light that reflects on the feathers makes the feather change colors to the naked eye.
The usual Broadtail breed looks quite gray in flight and while hovering, but when they light on the rim of the feeder, they have definitive green hue to their back and wings. The Rufous is distinctively orange in color and brilliantly hued. The Caliope has feathered whiskers running under their chin back to their shoulders. These I can spot immediately. Others with black heads and some with a white collar, I have not yet identified. Nevertheless, they are a delight to watch.
Being hugely territorial, they vie and even fight for a space on their favorite feeder. I call this the "hummingbird wars." They never seem to harm each other, but they will dive at each other ferociously. The picture above is common Broadtail commonly found here in the Southwest.
Bro. Hardy