Sunday, July 22, 2007

Time goes on...

As time goes on, I become more and more accepting of my loss of my dear, sweet Paco. Many times, however, even when I am not consciously thinking about, he will appear in my mind and the pain comes up and I have a good cry.

There were some old patillas lying around the property and I had a friend help me build a shelter of sorts over Paco's grave. His actual grave is covered with a low mound of river stones, but to keep cars and such from trampling on his grave, he now has a shelter around it.

Ava, my old girl, continues to be a constant companion even though she is definitely not a lap dog - just too big. She would like to be one and sometimes tries to crawl up in my lap and if she makes it, I allow her to sit there a while until her heaviness becomes to much for me.

Lately, I have been taking delight in watching the "Hummingbird Wars," as I call them, happening just outside my window in the computer room. So far, I have been able to identify four different breeds of hummers, even if I do not know their names.

Yes, life has a lot of pain in it, but it also has a lot of delight and joy.

Bro. Hardy


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