Paco 2/14/04 - 6/2/07

My precious little Paco was killed today by slipping out the door that had left open by a handyman and wandered out onto the highway. I do not recall when I have hurt so much. He was a dear, loving little dog that brought me many hours of fun, companionship and peace.
His older companion, Ava, who is some 15 years plus, has been diagnosed with cancer and is not long for this world herself. Somehow, an older dog dying of "natural" causes is not as painful and a young one who is snatched from us by the commerce of society.
I can hardly believe the almost overwhelming grief I am experiencing! Is it really possible to love an animal? I believe so.
During my time of severe and terribly painful illness of a couple of years ago, Paco attended to me faithfully. He hardly left my side, sitting in my lap and when that was too painful, along side my leg in the lounge chair that I literally lived in. His happy disposition filled me with joy. I miss him terribly!
If you read this, please send warm thoughts.
Bro. Hardy
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