
Having lost my precious Paco recently has been bringing up so many of the losses in my life. Loss of possessions (twice), loss of family and friends in death, loss of status, loss of community, so many losses. One does need to grieve such losses, but often the vicissitudes of life interfere and we plod on not even realizing the toll our losses take on us. How well I recall in the 80s and 90s the losses we all endured in the AIDS toll. We would go to, maybe even participate in, a funeral of a friend or loved one and before we even had time to let the loss sink in, another would rear its ugly head.
Yet, in the midst of all the loss, there are always gains. They sometimes slip in unnoticed until we realize the impact they have on our lives. I am so grateful for all the gains in my life and one is pictured above. Ava, my 17 year old dog has been with me 10 years now after having been abandoned three times over previously. She has been a constant source of comfort - even through the death of Paco and now she is showing the signs of aging. She no longer moves at a fast pace, nor gets up from her bed in a hurry. She is a cancer survivor, but showing signs of a return of the disease. Another impending loss.
Bro. Hardy
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